Dental and Medical Malpractice

The firm has rep­re­sent­ed numer­ous solo prac­ti­tion­ers, small, medi­um and large den­tal and med­ical groups and clin­ics, as well as well as non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, and men­tal health care facil­i­ties since the incep­tion of our firm. The rep­re­sen­ta­tion of health care providers for over 25 years has includ­ed gen­er­al den­tists, peri­odon­tists, prostho­don­tists, ortho­don­tists, oral sur­geons, and endodon­tists in the field of den­tistry, as well as cos­met­ic sur­geons, ortho­pe­dic sur­geons, neu­rol­o­gists, neu­ro­sur­geons, speech and hear­ing ther­a­pists, radi­ol­o­gists, oto­laryn­gol­o­gists, psy­chol­o­gists and psy­chi­a­trists, phar­ma­cists, nurs­es, and therapists. 

An exam­ple of the types of cas­es in which we have defend­ed den­tists and spe­cial­ists include, but is not lim­it­ed to, cas­es involv­ing full mouth recon­struc­tions, fail­ure of implants, lin­gual nerve pares­the­sias from low­er wis­dom tooth extrac­tions, sinus per­fo­ra­tions, broken/separated root canal files, cal­ci­um hydrox­ide injury, intru­sion of implants on sur­round­ing nerves, anes­thet­ic injec­tion nerve injury, fail­ure to diag­nose oral can­cer, root resorp­tion from ortho­don­tic treat­ment, and wrong­ful death cas­es from anesthesia. 

Cas­es involv­ing the defense of med­ical providers include, but is not lim­it­ed to, breach of the stan­dard of care issues involv­ing surgery, post­op­er­a­tive com­pli­ca­tions, fail­ure to diag­nose, wrong­ful death, informed con­sent issues, laser injuries, nerve injuries, and paraplegia. 

The firm is active with pro­vid­ing ongo­ing sup­port to den­tists and doc­tors in the design­ing of informed con­sents for their patients.  This sup­port includes sem­i­nars which have been pro­vid­ed to den­tists through­out the State of Cal­i­for­nia.  Our firm also has exten­sive expe­ri­ence in the area of pharmacist’s defense, hav­ing designed pol­i­cy man­u­als for major pharmacies.