Each one of our attor­neys have expe­ri­ence in defend­ing health care providers. Our goal is to pro­vide our client with an ear­ly eval­u­a­tion of the case so the client under­stands from the begin­ning what the strate­gies are, and the like­li­hood of a suc­cess­ful result.  It is impor­tant to eval­u­ate the court venue and lia­bil­i­ty to the client, whether there are poten­tial licen­sure risk fac­tors, or per­son­al finan­cial risk, before a deci­sion can be made whether it is in the best inter­ests of the client to go to trial.

This firm has one of the best rep­u­ta­tions nation­wide for nego­ti­a­tion of a res­o­lu­tion.  Due to the exten­sive expe­ri­ence of our attor­neys in lit­i­ga­tion, oppos­ing coun­sel under­stand that try­ing a case is a clear option.  We have suc­cess­ful­ly obtained numer­ous defense ver­dicts all over the South­ern Cal­i­for­nia region.   We had tried cas­es in small coun­ties, large coun­ties, state court, and Fed­er­al court.

Our cas­es have ranged from the sim­ple straight­for­ward sin­gle issue case to the cas­es involv­ing cat­a­stroph­ic dam­ages from wrong­ful death and patients in veg­e­ta­tive states. We excel at devel­op­ing strate­gies that reduce the length and cost of lit­i­ga­tion with­out sac­ri­fic­ing results. Our track record in court demon­strates our abil­i­ty to tack­le chal­lenges that invari­ably occur dur­ing tri­al. We under­stand the stakes and max­i­mize the odds of achiev­ing favor­able ver­dicts for our clients.